Motivation-1000 Motivation Quotes

Motivation, Self Motivation Quotes, Love Motivation Quotes, and all about Motivations

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Contributor: Johan Setiawan

Do not wait; the time will never be ''just right.'' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along."

- Napoleon Hill

Thanking you in advance for your kindness.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Contributor: Wenny Djibrail
Behind all the blocking stones there must be a blessing in disguise, and there must be a lesson that can develop our mentality. Face every blocking stones bravely.
Artinya: Dibalik setiap batu penghalang pasti ada hikmah yang tersembunyi, dan selalu ada pelajaran yang dapat mematangkan mental kita. Hadapi dengan berani setiap batu penghalang.
Don't be afraid to try! Don't be afraid to start! If you have tought your best, whatever the result is, the fighting spirit itself has the success value in it! Never regret!
Artinya: Jangan takut mencoba! Jangan takut memulai! Bila telah diperjuangkan dengan sungguh-sungguh, hasilnya sukses atau gagal, sesungguhnya semangat perjuangan itu telah memiliki nilai kesuksesan tersendiri! Jangan pernah menyesal!
A well-trained habit will create mastery! Let's keep maintaining and improving the habit of success thinking! Having success attitude! So that all will form the success character which will drive us to the top of success.
Artinya: Kebiasaan yang terlatih akan melahirkan keahlian! Mari pelihara dan kembangkan kebiasaan berpikir sukses! Bersikap sukses! Sehingga terbentuk karakter sukses yang akan membawa kita pada puncak kejayaan.

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